Home » 2020 » April

  • ATP Synthase in Action – HarvardX / BioVisions

    ATP Synthase in Action – HarvardX / BioVisions

    ATP is a universal energy storing molecule in biological systems. How does life generate ATP from ADP? Similarly, how does life consume it on an industrial scale in membrane bound systems such as mitochondria and chloroplasts? ATP synthase (or ATPase depending on which catalytic direction you look at it) enzyme is a hugely interesting molecular structure. Yes it most certainly is a bi-directional turbine. It is one of the few rotatory molecular structures life has evolved such as the flagella […]

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  • Electron Transport Chain – HarvardX / BioVisions (2013)

    Electron Transport Chain – HarvardX / BioVisions (2013)

    Understanding molecular nature of life is not easy without informative scientific visualizations. Distillation of this rich body of information generated over decades or even century long research into a visual medium can be key to grasp complexities of subcellular structures. Take the Central Dogma of biology for instance. The Central Dogma animation distills more than half a century of intense laboratory research that started with Rosalind Franklin and Raymond Gosling’s extraordinarily historic X-ray diffraction photograph in 1952. Photo 51 was […]

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  • Eye of the Pangolin – Pangolin.Africa (2019)

    Eye of the Pangolin – Pangolin.Africa (2019)

    The etymological origin of the name pangolin comes from the Malay word pengguling. It means “one who rolls up”. The animal has at least eight species with a wide geographical distribution ranging from Africa to Indian subcontinent and southeast Asia including Malayan Archipelago and Indonesia. Unfortunately we know very little about this highly elusive animal and its existence is under threat. Scaly anteaters are quite unusual among mammals since their skin is covered by large and overlapping keratinized scales hugely […]

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