Landsat 9, part 4: Plays Well With Others – NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (2020)

In this last episode of the four part mini series, we take a look at a few examples for how scientists are using the Landsat data to find answers to diverse questions. For instance biologists use imagery to quantify evaporative stress in plants and health of the trees. Landsat measurements can be combined with that of GRACE to interpret effects of underground water levels on the plant cover in a given area. Landsat data can integrate with data coming from other satellite systems and instruments in orbit including IceSat, Sentinel satellites and the Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) instrument on board the International Space Station and synergistically provide compelling ways to understand our planet. Tracking of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon over three decades of regional imagery is one extremely powerful results that came out of the Landsat archive. Now, climate scientists can pinpoint to the specific periods of intensifications in deforestation since 1985.

Landsat tiles the entire planet in 8 days using a 115 mile wide swath. Since 2008, the entire Landsat archive is freely available to all.

Landsat 9: part 1, Getting Off The Ground
Landsat 9: part 2, Designing For The Future
Landsat 9, part 3: More Than Just A Pretty Picture
Landsat 9, part 4: Plays Well With Others


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