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  • Evolution Game – North Star Games (2014)

    Evolution Game – North Star Games (2014)

    The concept of evolution is one of the central themes in Nature Documentaries. A review of games designed to teach evolution in Nature Magazine prompted a search for other endeavors. Among the three games reviewed Evolution was evaluated as by far the best. There has been quite a few attempts to introduce evolution in game format. One game called “Life as a Lizard” is adapted as a role play in classroom setting. Another game also explores major tenets of evolutionary […]

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  • OSIRIS-REx Mission to Asteroid Bennu – NASA (2018)

    OSIRIS-REx Mission to Asteroid Bennu – NASA (2018)

    How did our Sun, the Earth, and the planets form and evolve? Asteroids and comets are the early building blocks of the solar system. They even may hold clues to how life has started on our and perhaps in other planets. The asteroid Bennu contains information going back to four and a half billion years. Visitation and sample collection from asteroid Bennu will be very informative. Here you can watch a concatenation of four videos produced by the NASA Goddard […]

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  • Photosynthesis Board Game – Blue Orange Games

    Photosynthesis Board Game – Blue Orange Games

    Photosynthesis is a fundamental concept in life sciences. It is one of the prerequisites for making sense of our Earth. If the World citizens do not understand how plants grow, then it becomes almost impossible to convey the urgent message that accumulation of carbondiokside in the air leads to global warming and climate change. If the primers are not given in an understandable way almost everything can become esoteric. But, do not despair! The board game Photosynthesis provides such primers […]

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  • Pygmy Seahorses as Masters of Camouflage – Deep Look – PBS/KQED (2015)

    Pygmy Seahorses as Masters of Camouflage – Deep Look – PBS/KQED (2015)

    Environmental cues can have profound effects on the developmental trajectory of juveniles. When predatory dragonfly nymphs are present, tadpoles develop bigger tails with fast twitch muscles. Similarly the crustacean water fleas (Daphnia) develop helmet structures preventing fish to swallow them easily. Epigenetics is a relatively new branch of genetics but we have learned quite a lot in a few decades. The molecular mechanism of what evolutionary biologists described as phenotypic plasticity – biological ability to generate multiple phenotypes from a […]

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  • Sinister Cannibals or Nurturing Fathers?

    Sinister Cannibals or Nurturing Fathers?

    In majority of sexually reproducing species females are the choosy ones. Generally, females invest more in offspring during pregnancy and post-natal care. Males try many tricks (fighting with other males, making elaborate dances, providing nuptial gifts, carrying showy and difficult to maintain body ornaments etc.) to prevent being filtered out in female preferences. Parental investment is a determinant in choosiness. In this post we will take a look at a spectrum of male behavior in parental care. Pipefishes and mudskippers […]

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  • Let Them Eat Flies! KQED/QUEST (2014)

    Let Them Eat Flies! KQED/QUEST (2014)

    Insects are a hugely successful group of organisms. Their evolution transformed life on land immensely especially influencing flowering plant evolution. Insects also play a large role as food sources. Here in this KQED documentary we see how a fly farm in Ohio rears a common insect, the black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) to be used as food for fish farms. Some City farms have successfully been growing fish beneath the plants which helps recycling of nutrients reducing fertilizer use. Aquaponics […]

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  • What Gall! The Crazy Cribs of Parasitic Wasps – Deep Look – PBS/KQED (2015)

    What Gall! The Crazy Cribs of Parasitic Wasps – Deep Look – PBS/KQED (2015)

    Another fascinating episode from a series produced by PBS/KQED: Deep Look… Gall formations are indeed one of the most interesting examples of plant-animal interactions. Gall-inducing wasps are plant parasites. The larvae hijack the chemical signaling pathways by secreting two plant hormones auxin and cytokinin which induce abnormal cell divisions leading to gall formation. In certain instances anthocyanin production pathways become upregulated and this gives most of the gall tissues their characteristic red color. Larvae also induce sugary secretions and literally […]

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  • Associates of Eciton burchellii – Carl & Marian Rettenmeyer (2009)

    Associates of Eciton burchellii – Carl & Marian Rettenmeyer (2009)

    Filmed entirely on location at La Selva Biological Field Station in Costa Rica this film is one of the two part documentary series produced by Rettenmeyers. Both documentaries harbor so much natural history that there’s almost no break during the narration. Over the course of 55 years, Carl Rettenmeyer of the University of Connecticut and his wife Marian enthusiastically studied the army ant (Eciton burchellii) and their associates. Throughout this period Carl Rettenmeyer became the world’s leading expert on army […]

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  • Astonishing Army Ants – Carl & Marian Rettenmeyer (2009)

    Astonishing Army Ants – Carl & Marian Rettenmeyer (2009)

    Filmed entirely on location at La Selva Biological Field Station in Costa Rica this film is one of the two part documentary series produced by Rettenmeyers. Both documentaries harbor so much natural history that there’s almost no break during the narration. Over the course of 55 years, Carl Rettenmeyer of the University of Connecticut and his wife Marian enthusiastically studied the army ant (Eciton burchellii) and their associates. Throughout this period Carl Rettenmeyer became the world’s leading expert on army […]

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  • Welcome to the Anthropocene – a Film About the State of the Planet – UN Rio+20 Summit (2012)

    Welcome to the Anthropocene – a Film About the State of the Planet – UN Rio+20 Summit (2012)

    Due to Human activities our planet has now reported to have entered into a “no analog state”. This means our planet has never experienced fast changing present-day conditions in its geological and evolutionary history. The closest geological event to what is happening now is known as (PETM) Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum. PETM took place 56 million years ago. Changes happening now is way too fast, much faster than those in PETM. We are indeed in a no analog state in ecological […]

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  • Siccar Point: The Birthplace of Modern Geology – British Geological Survey

    Siccar Point: The Birthplace of Modern Geology – British Geological Survey

    The World was a rather different place in the late 18th century. A great majority of people in the West believed the Earth was not older than 6,000 years old. Rocks were formed immediately after the Biblical flood of Noah. Fossils were simply the remains of animals that had died in the flood. Scientific facts that are so obvious to us today such as plate tectonics and continental drift were not connected. For instance, a core tenet is the geological […]

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  • REDD+ on the Threshold – Gemma Sethsmith (2011)

    REDD+ on the Threshold – Gemma Sethsmith (2011)

    The promise of REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation) is fairly straightforward: Forest owners keep their standing vegetation intact and in return get compensated by polluters. There are already established strong protective traditions in some local communities such as the indigenous Mayan cantones in the state of Totonicapán, Guatemala, Kichwa tribe of the Ecuador and many others around the World. REDD+ is an economical model developed by Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) […]

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  • The White Pine Weevil’s Life Cycle – Ray Asselin

    The White Pine Weevil’s Life Cycle – Ray Asselin

    Tree architecture is affected by many factors. Genetics is a major determinant. Hundreds of genes coordinate to determine the stature of a tree. Conifers have strong apical dominance in their growth and plant hormones such as the auxin play a lead role in its maintenance. When the apical dominance is lost due to loss of the apical meristem located at the top of shoot tip the branching pattern of a tree changes. Apical meristem can be lost due to physical […]

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  • Gray Triggerfish Nesting Behavior – Mert Gökalp | AQUADIARIES (2018)

    Gray Triggerfish Nesting Behavior – Mert Gökalp | AQUADIARIES (2018)

    The evolutionary origins of nest building behavior in vertebrates are deep rooted and go all the way back to the fish. The behavior can be very complex with stunning results such as that of the Japanese puffer fish. Here in this short observation an underwater cameraman and filmmaker Mert Gökalp captures a few distinct scenes from the Gray Triggerfish nesting behavior in the Eastern Mediterranean town of Kaş. This fish colonized the Mediterranean through the Gibraltar and reached the farthest […]

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  • A Stunning Artwork by the Japanese Puffer Fish – BBC Life

    A Stunning Artwork by the Japanese Puffer Fish – BBC Life

    The evolutionary origins of nest building behavior in vertebrates are deep rooted and go all the way back to the fish. The behavior can be very complex with stunning results such as that of the Japanese puffer fish. When the behavior was documented for the first time by Japanese divers it created a big excitement among biologist. Here in this short observation the selective pressures on the male puffer fish exceeds those from predation and nest parasitism but purely sexual. […]

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