
Home » 2012 » March

  • A Glimpse of Human Ecology Through the Nomadic Life of Netsilik Inuit – Quentin Brown & Asen Balıkçı (1967)

    A Glimpse of Human Ecology Through the Nomadic Life of Netsilik Inuit – Quentin Brown & Asen Balıkçı (1967)

    The Netsilik Series is very successful in documenting the lives of Netsilik Dr. Asen Balikci of the University of Montréal it became one of the ethnographical masterpieces belonging to a genre called course material for school children. Dr. Balikci has since produced many high quality documentaries. In the beginning, we are reminded of the fact that although it is an accurate depiction of Inuit way of life some parts had to be enacted. It has no narration or subtitles. Hearing […]

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  • Urban (NYC) Hawk Nest – Live 24-Hour Stream

    Urban (NYC) Hawk Nest – Live 24-Hour Stream

    Welcome to breeding season 2014! You are watching a pre-recorded livestream of a hawk nest from the 12th-floor window ledge of New York University’s Bobst Library overlooking Washington Square Park. The now famous father hawk Bobby will probably be back for another year, with his new mate, Rosie. We are eagerly waiting for their return from their winter migration. Breeding season 2014 will be the fourth year of live-streaming on a red-tailed hawks nest outside of the New York University […]

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  • When and Why We Lost Hair?

    When and Why We Lost Hair?

    When and why our ancestors began to wear clothing is a curious story. Clothing may have emerged for insulation of body heat. Similarly it also have provided a means to carry things and improve mobility. Cold snaps engulfed the earth many times. Using ice cores from Antarctica scientists identified 8 glacial cycles within the last 800 thousand years alone. An archaelogical site from Israel provides the earliest evidence of controlled fire by humans spanning the same time period. We know […]

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