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  • Robin L. Chazdon – Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS) interview (2014)

    Robin L. Chazdon – Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS) interview (2014)

    Robin L. Chazdon is a professor of tropical ecology in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department at the University of Connecticut. She has been studying natural regeneration in second-growth tropical forest using long term monitoring plots within the landscape matrix surrounding La Selva Biological Field Station in Heredia province of Northeast Costa Rica. She is a palm specialist and has investigated many aspects of this important plant group including physiology and genetics within the context of forest regeneration. The Bosques Project […]

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  • Chasing Ice (2012)

    Chasing Ice (2012)

    The footage featured above is an excerpt from the documentary “Chasing Ice”. It is so incredibly impressive that it had to be posted by itself. For the first time a glacier calving event of this massive scale is recorded by the filmmakers. On May 28, 2008, Adam LeWinter and Director Jeff Orlowski filmed a historic breakup at the Ilulissat Glacier in Western Greenland. The calving event lasted for 75 minutes and the glacier retreated a full mile across a calving […]

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  • Acid Oceans – Science Bulletins – AMNH

    Acid Oceans – Science Bulletins – AMNH

    Since the beginning of the industrial revolution a quarter of the carbon that has been released into the atmosphere was absorbed by the oceans. As a result the acidity of the oceans has increased by %30. Increasing acidity makes it corrosive dissolving the calcium shells of marine organisms. Ocean acidification will affect fisheries by disrupting the very base of the food-webs. Sea urchins, hermit crabs, lobsters, coral polyp prefer ocean water with a pH of about 8.2 in order to […]

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  • Salt Marsh Watch – Dean Hardy

    Salt Marsh Watch – Dean Hardy

    How will rising sea levels affect coastlines? As this is written, rate of sea level rise is about 3 milimeters per year worldwide. The main video above is a quick “snapshot” of the tidal flow in a Georgia salt marsh replete with smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) and marsh fiddler crabs (Uca spp.) scurrying about over the mud. The perspective of the camera, between two and three feet above the marsh sediment, can be thought of as from that of a […]

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  • Earth from Space – NOVA (PBS) 2013

    Earth from Space – NOVA (PBS) 2013

    Earth from Space is an excellent overview of global cycles. NASA visualizations based on Earth Observation System (EOS) show us how massive scale interactions among ocean, land, atmosphere and life determine the climate all driven by solar energy. The instruments in EOS satellites are so accurate that even the effects of most unexpected and sudden events like the Chelyabinsk Airburst Event of 2013 can be tracked and measured as it is happening in real time. These instant high resolution measurements […]

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  • 21st Century Temperature and Precipitation Scenarios from IPCC

    21st Century Temperature and Precipitation Scenarios from IPCC

    Climate models used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimate global temperature and precipitation patterns will change throughout the 21st century because of rising greenhouse gas concentrations. The visualization above is based on one of the four scenarios called Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) in which carbon dioxide concentrations reach 670 parts per million (ppm) by 2100, up from around 400 ppm today. The carbon dioxide concentrations in the year 2100 for each of the four RCPs are: RCP […]

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  • Evolution and a Tour of the Moon

    Evolution and a Tour of the Moon

    Moon, Mars and the Earth share a common planetary history. At about 4 billion years ago they were all bombarded by meteorites during a time known as the Late Heavy Bombardment period. Because of tectonic movements the effects of Late Heavy Bombardment is almost completely erased from the face of the Earth. However craters are still intact on Moon and Mars. Evolution of the Earth and Moon have started from very similar origins due to the collision of Earth with […]

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  • NASA Tracks Chelyabinsk Meteorite Dust in the Atmosphere

    NASA Tracks Chelyabinsk Meteorite Dust in the Atmosphere

    Our planet is no stranger to meteorites. Take a look in the Moon and see what has been erased from the surface of the Earth by tectonic movements. Evolution of life took many sharp turns because of catastrophic impacts. On February 15, 2013 a meteor weighing 10,000 metric tons exploded only 23km above the city of Chelyabinsk in Russia. The so called airburst event created a very strong ultrasound that was picked up by listening stations established to monitor nuclear […]

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  • Total Solar Eclipse in Brazil and Turkey – Sunrise Earth – David Conover (2006)

    Total Solar Eclipse in Brazil and Turkey – Sunrise Earth – David Conover (2006)

    A total solar eclipse recorded in two countries on the same day of March 29th, 2006 by the Sunrise Earth team. The Sunrise Earth series belongs to a genre known as “Experiential TV”, developed by David Conover. The genre was also precursor to the Slow TV genre famously popularized by the Norwegian director Thomas Hellum. In this poetical recording, the eclipse starts in Baia Formosa of Natal, Brazil and moves towards the east to Aspendos of Antalya, Turkey. You can […]

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  • Atlantik Kasırgaları ve Akdeniz

    Atlantik Kasırgaları ve Akdeniz

    Ölçümlerin başladığı 1884 yılından beri dünyamızın giderek ısındığı kaydedilmekte. Uydulardan elde edilen yüksek çözünürlüklü ölçümler ısınmanın yakın gelecekteki etkileri konusunda net veriler sunuyor. NASA’nın yörüngeye oturttuğu 16 uydu sayesinde okyanus akıntıları ve yüzey sıcaklıkları gibi küresel ölçekteki olaylar üzerindeki bilgimiz her geçen gün daha da artıyor. Yükselen deniz suyu yüzey sıcaklıkları Atlantik’deki kasırgaların sıklığını ve şiddetini artıran bir etken. Atmosfer bilimciler kasırgaları anlayabilmek için bulutları gerçek değerlere yakın hesaplayabilen bilgisayar modelleri kullanıyorlar. NASA’nın geliştirdiği GEOS-5 bulut modeli bunlardan biri. Akdeniz’deki […]

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