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  • First Life with David Attenborough – Arrival BBC (2010)

    First Life with David Attenborough – Arrival BBC (2010)

    BBC’s First Life is a marvelous encapsulation of life’s evolution in two episodes. Episode one “Arrival” covers major events until the Cambrian Explosion. If you are here because you want to know about the origins of life you may be slightly frustrated. The episode will briefly mention underwater hydrothermal vents as possible locations that life may have started and will mention about stromatolites which appeared in geological history around 3.5 billion years ago and that’s it. It will not talk […]

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  • Female Frog (Leptodactylus insularum) Leading Her School – Kristiina Hurme (2006)

    Female Frog (Leptodactylus insularum) Leading Her School – Kristiina Hurme (2006)

    Leptodactylus insularum is a tropical frog occuring in Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela. In this video, a female Leptodactylus insularum pumps her abdomen in the water, and tries to lead the school towards a different area in the swamp. Females attend schools for varying amounts of time, and this is a fairly young school, which may explain why they are slow to follow her. Or perhaps they’re feeding on a great patch and don’t want to leave! […]

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  • An Illustrated Introduction to Speciation – Cornell Lab of Ornithology (2013)

    An Illustrated Introduction to Speciation – Cornell Lab of Ornithology (2013)

    Cornell Bird Lab produced a series of quite friendly short video programs to provide a scientific explanation for how new species have evolved (and are evolving). Indeed, how did 39 different bird of paradise species grouped in 15 genera evolved from one humble crow-like ancestor over 20 million years? At the heart of the story lies the biological species definition which is one of the many definitions biologists have derived for the species concept. Long-distance movement is a prerequisite for […]

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  • Mechanisms of Evolution – Philipp Dettmer (2013)

    Mechanisms of Evolution – Philipp Dettmer (2013)

    Understanding how evolution works is fundamental for understanding nature. Mechanisms of Evolution is an infographic attempt to explain this very important concept. Philipp Dettmer is the person behind the concept, design and storyboarding of this production. Well crafted it is, the video is quite informative to reveal some of the misconceptions about Theory of Evolution. It is also missing one major mechanism called Genetic Drift whose theoretical foundations were laid in 1930s during the Modern Synthesis by influential geneticist Sewall […]

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  • Evolution in Action – Campus Juncos at UCSD

    Evolution in Action – Campus Juncos at UCSD

    Researchers from Indiana University at Bloomington has produced a series of videos titled “Ordinary Extraordinary Junco” covering a curious bird species belonging to genus Junco that has colonized the campus of the University of California at San Diego. We have decided to highlight the 6th episode of the series but other episodes are available for viewing from the vimeo channel of the project. The series are designed to reach public and student audiences of all backgrounds and ages. The key […]

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  • Guns, Germs and Steel – Jared Diamond (2005) episode 1

    Guns, Germs and Steel – Jared Diamond (2005) episode 1

    Guns, Germs and Steel is a landmark Pulitzer prize winning book by Jared Diamond published in 1997. It is a very successful non-racist whirlwind tour of human history. Throughout the book historical and geographical roots of global inequality and resource distribution is explored. This first episode is dedicated to plant and animal domestication in different geographical settings. You can find a great encapsulation of this episode published in Nature Magazine in 2002. There’s also a simplified narrative of the book […]

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  • Harvest of the Seasons – Jacob Bronowski (1973)

    Harvest of the Seasons – Jacob Bronowski (1973)

    Harvest of the Seasons is the second episode of a thirteen-part documentary series called The Ascent of Man written and presented by Jacob Bronowski. The series reached wide audiences for Bronowski’s highly intellectual but simple and convincing analysis. Much of his long monologues were unscripted and were a source of inspiration for creating a template for Carl Sagan’s hugely sucessful Cosmos series. The motto used by Bronowski “A personal view” became “A personal voyage” in Sagan’s. The episode provides an […]

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  • Is Picture Wing Fly a Predatory Jumping Spider Mimic?

    Is Picture Wing Fly a Predatory Jumping Spider Mimic?

    The video of this picture wing fly (Delphinia picta) was recorded on April 24th 2011 in Athens, GA. It has a curious wing pattern which resembles a jumping spider but is it really? Mimicry is a type of species interaction that evolves in response to prey, predators and parasites. Examples of mimicry is abundant in nature and provide compelling cases for natural selection. A classic example is Heliconius butterflies living in tropical America. Some Heliconius species show Batesian mimicry. Wing […]

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  • A Tour of a Section of Human Chromosome 11

    A Tour of a Section of Human Chromosome 11

    This video produced by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories takes us on a tour of about 650,000 nucleotides from the tip of the short arm of human chromosome 11. From a distance we can discern 28 genes, denoted by red and yellow blocks. The red exons carry the DNA code for protein, while the yellow introns are noncoding. Also prominent are more than 500 transposons, or jumping genes, denoted by blue and purple blocks. If we zoom in, we can take […]

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  • An Illustrated Introduction to Natural Selection & Sexual Selection – Cornell Lab of Ornithology (2013)

    An Illustrated Introduction to Natural Selection & Sexual Selection – Cornell Lab of Ornithology (2013)

    Cornell Bird Lab produced a series of quite informative teaching materials to provide scientific explanation for how new species have evolved (and are evolving). Evolution is not only a struggle for existence, it is also an effort to pass on genes to next generation. Modern biology has described mechanisms of evolution with fine details and this video effectively tells how natural selection works with three cartoonified traits in an island setting at the first few minutes. In many animals females […]

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  • Revealing the Origins of Life – PBS (2011)

    Revealing the Origins of Life – PBS (2011)

    How life began is a very fundamental question. This short documentary is an outstanding primer for scientific explanation of the origin of life. Featuring Nobel prize winner Jack Szostack of Harvard University and John Sutherland of University of Manchester, it explains the chemical evolution leading to the formation of RNA. Scientists all agree that formation of basic building blocks of life is suprisingly very easy. The burning question is how do they react to form complex molecules? RNA world hypothesis […]

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  • Hummingbirds: Magic in the Air – PBS (2010)

    Hummingbirds: Magic in the Air – PBS (2010)

    Hummingbirds. Today they are strictly found on American continent but there are hummingbird-like fossil specimens from Germany hinting that this group might have been more widespread in its evolutionary past. More than 8000 species of plants have evolved to get their pollination services from hummingbirds. In 2013 a 50 million year old fossil showed the earliest ancestor of hummingbirds. With a heart beating at 600 beats per minute hummingbirds are champions of survival. The PBS documentary explores a rich repertoire […]

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  • Carolina Cranesbill (Geranium carolinianum) Flower Self-pollination

    Carolina Cranesbill (Geranium carolinianum) Flower Self-pollination

    Dr. Rebecca Shirk has studied genetic diversity and adaptation in native and invasive populations of Carolina cranesbill (Geranium carolinianum) during her PhD project in Department of Plant Biology at the University of Georgia in Athens. Flowers of this genus has a quite diverse pollination strategy. Flowers come in a staggering diversity of forms. There are huge flowers; tiny flowers; flowers that never open; flowers with patterns that can’t be seen by the human eye; and extremely specialized flowers that are […]

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  • One Voice in the Cosmic Fugue – Carl Sagan (1980)

    One Voice in the Cosmic Fugue – Carl Sagan (1980)

    The Cosmos, is a thirteen part documentary produced written and presented by Carl Sagan aiming to expand public understanding of science. It is one of the most successful series and is perhaps the best one for telling the fascinating history of science reaching audiences in 60 countries since it has been aired. It inspired generations to become scientists from all over the world. It was written with such poetic vigor that in title of every episode there is an attractive […]

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  • Kozmik Bestede Bir Nota – Carl Sagan (1980)

    Kozmik Bestede Bir Nota – Carl Sagan (1980)

    Carl Sagan 1980’li yıllarda televizyonu olan pek çok evin salonuna misafir olmuş Amerika’lı bir astronomdur. Onüç bölümden oluşan Kozmoz dizisi 6.3 milyon dolarlık bir bütçe ile hazırlanarak 60’dan fazla ülke televizyonunda yayınlandı. Gelmiş geçmiş en başarılı bilim belgeselinin tarzı öylesine şiirseldir ki, bölümlerin başlıkları bile işlenen konuyu kavramada yardımcı derin benzetmeler içeren özenle seçilmiş kelimelerden oluşur. Carl Sagan, “kişisel bir yolculuk” olarak nitelediği eserinde bizleri yolculuğuna yoldaş eder. Bilim tarihinde nefes kesici bir gezintiye çıkarız birlikte. Dizi içinde bir biyolog […]

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