
Snakes in a Cave – Nate Dappen & Neil Losin (2014)

As the world is shaking with the news of a new corona virus outbreak in China, researchers have quickly identified the potential source of 2019-nCoV based on the spike forming glycoprotein structure. Just like the hugely informative movie Contagion (2011) depicting a realistic scenario this new virus was a bizarre sounding recombinant. The corona virus SARS-CoV-2 appeared to be a recombinant of a bat and a snake virus.

At first, you may naturally ask how could this weird merger have happened? Well, just watch this short documentary from Days Edge Productions and you will have an idea… Yes, snakes don’t fly (although some indeed can glide such as the paradise tree snake (Chrysopelea paradisi) from the rain forests of Borneo) they are amazing and relentless ambush predators. Even bats are on their menu.


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